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SPECIAL SUPERJACKPOT of 100 M euros in Euromillions

Friday, 27 February 2009
SPECIAL SUPERJACKPOT of 100 M euros (127 M $) in Euromillions. Do not miss this opportunity, and play now.

And this week, the Red Cross Special with 84 M euros to prizes and, a 6.5 M euros (8.2 M $) jackpot in Primitiva 5/54 + 1.

Red Cross Special :: 84 M euros to prizes (7 March)
National Lottery :: 42 M euros to prizes (14th, 21st and 28th of March, and 11th of April)
Thursday Lottery :: 13 M euros to prizes (5th, 12th, 19th and 26th of March, and 2nd and 9th of April )
April Special :: 84 M euros to prizes (April 4th)

In Spanish National Lottery, every 100 numbers, 35 have some kind of prize.

And draws of Bonoloto (4 draws with daily jackpots), Thursday and Saturday Primitiva (3 M euros each), and Spanish Football Quiniela.

IMPORTANT. Next Thursday 5 March is holidays. The draws are done as usual, but the limit time to play this week for Thursday Lottery and Thursday 6/49 is different. Last day to play Thursday Lottery will be Wednesday at 13:00 CET, and for Thursday 6/49 will be Wednesday at 16:00 CET. The rest of draws of the week are like always. Friday is a usual day.